Saturday, October 13, 2012

Turn your Android into a Remote - Corby 2 Controlling Powerpoint

By 123inztructor on 4:39 PM
This "Turn your android into a remote trick for corby 2 Controlling Powerpoint" is not the main part of this trick. In order to do this trick you must first do the main methods. Click here for the tutorial.

This ability of mobile witch remote control is one of the coolest, since using your corby 2 phone, you can present your Powerpoint presentations. By just the press from your corby 2 phone you can proceed to the next slide or go back to the previous slide.

To do this trick be sure you have done the tutorial first on the given link above. Then proceed to the steps below.

1. On the Mobile witch remote control main cpanel select Application Mode and press OK. See the image below.

2. For the next step select Powerpoint and press OK. See the image below.

3. Now that you are in the Powerpoint control panel on your corby 2 phone you will see the image below.

As you can see on the image at the left, we have main functions that are the most used functions to present a powerpoint presentation even using the keyboard of your computer.

Next Slide - is use to navigate your powerpoint presentation to go to the next slide if there is any

Previous Slide - is use to go back from the previous slide you viewed

End Show - is use to end your power point presentation

Note that the three functions above are using your corby 2 phone. But this trick is also applicable to other types of phones or cell phones as long as your phone supports Java apps.

Hope this Turn your Android into a Remote - Corby 2 Controlling Powerpoint helps you guys and can be a way for you to present a powerpoint presentation using your phone or cell phone only. Its kinda cool isn't it? Well good luck and God bless always pals! Cheers!

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