Request Page for Samsung Corby 2 Sports Themes

By 123inztructor on 2:39 AM
Guys, if you don't see the theme that you wanted here just comment and make your personal Samsung Corby 2 themes free downloads request.

The Samsung Corby 2 theme request comment format should include the following :
  • Gender - so that we will be able to personalize your theme base on your gender. 
  • Wallpaper - the samsung corby 2 wallpaper that you wanted for your theme samsung corby 2 theme
  • Menu Icons - the samsung corby 2 menu icons that you wanted for your samsung corby 2 theme 
  • Overall color - the main color of your samsung corby 2 theme

Just leave a comment for the theme you want us to made personally for you.


  1. Gender - Male
    Wallpaper - Derrick Rose
    Menu Icons - Chicago Bulls Logo
    Overall color - Red and Black
